Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Katsucon Kitbash Part 5

Just a few more images showing the engine.

Katsucon Kitbash Part 4

I had several passes of primer throughout the build.  Mostly to see how everything went together.

Katsucon Kitbash Part 3

Once the ship was mostly done, I had to figure out an engine.  I used the wheel covers of a Tamiya 88.  This became the base for the engine.  I began to add parts to it that "fit" or looked like they belonged on an engine.  There are a few weapons that came with the models, added those in there as well.

The rear plate was taken from an old MPC Millenium Falcon.  I added a bunch of greebie to try and disguise it. 

Katsucon Kitbash Part 2

Once I had the tank turret placed, I just started adding more and more pieces to the structure.  I had no idea where anything went, I just let the parts "speak" to me.  I wanted to make sure everything had a purpose and looked like it belonged there.

Katsucon Kit Bash

Katsucon.  An Anime convention that takes place on President's Day weekend in Maryland.  This year I was invited with my friend Lee Malone to host a few panels on model building.   One of those panels was on kit bashing: making something from nothing.  For this panel I decided to raid my parts box and make something from nothing for the show and the panel.

I started with part of a Saturn V rocket and some tank parts.